6 Proven Ways to Increase Lead Generation & Sales

Mapping out a successful lead generation strategy, learning how to nurture those leads, and improving your growth over time will eventually help your business grow. But if you can stimulate and improve your lead generation strategy, here are six ways for boosting your lead generation:

1. Choose the right social media platform.

Social media is an excellent top of the funnel passage for generating leads. Do not invest time and money into every social media platform, and until you are confirmed, it will work for your business. The solution to social media for lead generation is your brand’s presence and conversion rate, basically how candidates turn into leads.

social media

If you have already built a platform, you need to see how much traffic each one is driving to your landing pages via Google analytics or a comprehensive social media engagement platform that allot conversion tracking. Hence, choosing the right social media platform for your lead generation efforts will directly impact your growth rates and reduce your ad spend.

2. From TOFU to MOFU: Educate your buyer with reports and white papers.

Offering free White paper reports and eBooks is an excellent way for generating leads while building your prospect experts at buying your products. They are also the right way to create email marketing lists for a higher funnel (TOFU).

Many digital marketing agencies claim that if we provide value to prospects, they will give you their respect, time, loyalty, and eventually the business. Hence it is not so easy. In conversion sciences, people often use blogs for testing topics of interest to the client audiences. They always prepare a live presentation or webinar on hot topics, and these presentations cast into case studies, blog posts, reports, and social media posts.

3. Generate more leads using online quizzes

People nowadays are naturally curious and enjoy learning new things about themselves. Quizzes play a vital role in it as they turned the usual passive browser into an active participant who is excited to find out how they pile up against their friends and family.

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But talking about online quizzes, they are even more useful as they provide instant interactive feedback. Online quizzes are easy to generate as no coding is required when you use an online quiz maker. Five secrets for effective lead generation with quizzes are mentioned below:

  • Create a compelling quiz title.
  • Follow the three-minute rule for a successful quiz.
  • Go ahead text with pictures, videos, and gifs.
  • Create your lead forms short as the shorter, the better. Spend equal time on questions and results.

4. Fast and easy ways of boosting lead generation with social video

On social media networks, likes and shares are poor predictors of lead quality and rather nasty in generating leads. On the other hand, video views offer to benefit B2B lead generation.

First, if a visitor uses one or more of your posted videos on any social media site or your site, they start building trust and affinity towards your brand.

Secondly, when visitors watch your videos, they could be retargeted by ads and directed to your landing pages. These visitors tend more likely to click and convert into qualified leads. So, in the lead generation, game optimizing video views could prove a more useful approach than rigidly focusing on click and conversions.

5. Facebook ad targeting and retargeting builds a lead magnetic field.

As we know, the earth produces its magnetic field, which plays a significant role in navigation. It also Shields the atmosphere from solar winds capable of destroying humankind as we know it. So, when it comes to lead generation, try thinking of your business as the earth and Facebook ads as the magnetic field, and your competitors as the solar wind.

Facebook ads will help you discover and navigate your prospects to your lead generating content and bringing them back to your business.

For example, if you own a software business looking forward to building a sales lead pipeline for a new service for apparel companies. Setting a Facebook pixel on your website will help display your ads to people who have visited your site, measure your ads’ effectiveness, and collect data on the visitor’s action to your site. You can also craft an ad campaign for retargeting those visitors who did not convert into successful leads.

6. Boost up your lead generation efforts with content for lead nurturing

Creating related content like reports or wallpapers and anchoring them via organic and paid advertising campaigns is the tip of the iceberg in online lead generation. And attacking them with offers for retargeting ads can only take you so far. You only have to nurture those newly acquired leads.

By achieving an enhanced content strategy in your marketing funnel, you will attract and captivate your audience and drive them down the sales funnel. Infographics, videos, images, and podcasting are just a few content ideas that you may use.

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