Rishima brings the iOS 13 volume HUD to jailbroken devices

Apple’s upcoming iOS 13 and iPadOS firmware updates come jam-packed with new features that are certain to have jailbreakers’ mouths watering. Fortunately, the jailbreak community has a way of porting many of Apple’s latest software features to older versions of iOS such that jailbreakers don’t feel …

Fix chrome.exe appearing on the Windows Lockscreen

Google Chrome users who updated the web browser to version 75 may notice a new element on the lockscreen of the system when they lock it. Our Deskmodder colleagues report that they noticed a chrome.exe element on the lockscreen along with media playback and volume controls …

Google Stadia: Price, Games, Availability, and my thoughts

Google announced the game streaming platform and service Stadia earlier this year while Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are preparing new console launches. Stadia streams games to compatible devices instead of relying on a device’s processing powers. Streaming requires an Internet connection with at least 10 Mbps …

Sysmon update introduces DNS Query Logging

A new version of the Sysmon tool will be released on Tuesday 11, 2019 that introduces DNS query logging to the Windows system monitor. Mark Russinovich, the creator of the tool and Microsoft Azure CTO, teased the new feature in a message on Twitter on June …

A look at Win-X Menu 3.0 for Windows

Win+X Menu Editor is a free software program by Happy Bulldozer to change the Windows-X power menu of the Windows 10 operating system. Version 3.0 of the program was released recently; reason enough to take another look at it. Tip: Check out our extensive customize Windows-X …

How to Explore a SERP Feature Strategy with STAT

  Your organic result game is on point, but you’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about SERP features and are curious if they can help grow your site’s visibility — how do you find out? Our SERP Features dashboard will be your one-stop shop for …