Tag: lemp

Install and Configure LEMP Stack in Debian 9

  LEMP stack is an acronym which stands for the following packages combined together: Linux kernel, Nginx web server, MariaDB database (or MySQL) and PHP server-side programming language). These pieces of software are widely used on servers on the internet today to deploy dynamic websites or …

How to Install LEMP on Ubuntu 16.04

  The following article describes how to install a LEMP stack on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) should not be confused with the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. This tutorial is for the LEMP (Nginx) stack and it’s commonly used …

Dockerizing LEMP Stack with Docker-Compose on Ubuntu

Dockerizing LEMP Stack with Docker-Compose on Ubuntu Docker-Compose is a command line tool for defining and managing multi-container docker applications. Compose is a python script, it can be installed with the pip command easily (pip is the command to install Python software from the python package …

How to secure your LEMP stack

    LEMP, it stands for Linux, (EngineX) NGINX, MariaDB (or MySQL) and PHP. Due to its flexibility and simplicity, NGINX slowly takes over the Internet. In this tutorial, we will attempt, through examples of bad and good practices, to go through the steps of properly …