GNOME Web Browser is Adding a Reader Mode


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An experimental reader mode will ship in the next version of GNOME Web, aka Epiphany.

The feature is already available to try in the latest development builds of the GTK Webkit-based web browser, released this week as part of the GNOME 3.29.3 milestone.

Reader mode (also known as “reader view”) is a toggle option that strips a web page down to its bare text.

All bespoke styling, background images, buttons, branding and page ephemera is removed.

You get a distraction-free, text version of a web page.

Because reader mode use its own custom .css to present web content it is (sometimes) possible to adjust a page’s text size, background color, and/or layout for improved readability. There’s no indication (yet) of customisation options being available in GNOME Web’s version.

Reader Mode Isn’t New, Of Course

A reader mode of some sort is available in many browsers, most famously in Safari (macOS & iOS) and Mozilla Firefox on both desktop and mobile. A reader mode for Google Chrome was on the way at one point, but has since vanished from the roadmap.

As I don’t have the latest version of GNOME Web/Epiphany to hand I can’t test how well the feature works first-hand.

But as someone who is a big fan of reader mode in other browsers, I do look forward to trying it out.

You can learn more about the feature in this BugZilla bug report

Image credit: Alex/BabyWogue

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