Eyegasm: 5 awesome Linux/Unix desktop customization that will blow your mind

Everyone loves the desktop operating system. People customize their Linux or Unix desktop with themes, wallpapers, killer configuration and more. These customizations show you how cool your desktop can be!
awesome Linux/Unix desktop customization that will blow your mind

Love the Windows 10 UI, but not their privacy policy

Xfce is a lightweight desktop for Linux and UNIX-like systems. The goal is to make UI feel more or less like Window 10 while keeping it light and responsive. Hence the author using Xfce desktop.

Desktop 01: Xfce desktop with Win 10 like UI (click to enlarge)
Click to enlarge image
Distro: Linux Mint
DM: Xfce
WM theme: Adapta-nokto
Icons: Numix circle
Dock: DockbarX (custom skin)
Other info: Sublime-text theme: Material-theme, monokai-soft-MD colour scheme
Download/Credit: Customization info including downloads by phenomenos

bspwm tiling WM with Polybar

bspwm is an open source tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. Polybar is a fast and beautiful status bar for desktop.

[bspwm + polybar] Trying to get a modern look
Click to enlarge image
Distro: Fedora Linux 25
WM theme: —
Icons: —
Dock: —
Other info: gnome-terminal
Download/Credit: Customization info including downloads by gamehelp16

I love openbox and conky setup

Openbox is a free and open source stacking window manager for Linux/Unix desktop. Conky is a free and open source light-weight system monitor for X, that displays all sort of system information on your desktop.

Openbox conky setup
Click to enlarge image or see this quick video demo
Distro: Gentoo Linux
DM: Openbox
WM theme: —
Icons: —
Dock: —
Other info: Wallpaper and conkey config
Download/Credit: Customization info including downloads by bluedave08

You gotta love 1980s retro future desktop

Oh, this is so awesome. It uses Xfce, Emerald and Compiz-Reloaded to create 1980s retro desktop.

Click to enlarge
Distro: Manjaro Linux 25
DM: Xfce
WM theme: Emerald
Icons: —
Dock: —
Other info: Wallpaper and emerald config
Download/Credit: Customization info including downloads by jayk806

Clean i3 setup on Arch Linux

i3 is a free and open souurce tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. The target platforms are GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems.

i3-setup on Arch Linux
Click to enlarge image
Distro: Arch Linux
DM: i3
WM theme: —
Icons: —
Dock: —
Other info: Wallpaper and i3 and dot config file
Download/Credit: Customization info including downloads by nesmeck

For more info and desktop, customization see Reddit /r/unixporn community.
