Facebook Messenger Tricks: How To Unarchive Messages On The App

Archiving a message on Facebook is a good way to declutter your Messenger app or keep the messages and conversations you use the most right on the app’s home page. It keeps only the most important messages at your fingertips. But just because a message or conversation slips into the archive that doesn’t mean you can never access it again. Bringing it back to your Messenger app is simple and easy.

Start by opening the Facebook Messenger app and looking at the home page. This is where you’ll see recent messages you’ve used as well as a list of active friends on Messenger and Groups. If you scroll down you’ll see “More Conversations.”

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This is where messages that aren’t your three most recent messages will “live” in the messenger app. But the last thing you want to do is scroll through this potentially long list searching for the group chat or one-on-one message between you and a friend. To avoid this, simply select the search bar at the top of the home page of Messenger and type in the name of the friend you want to find the old conversation with.

When you do this any group conversation this person and you were both ever in will appear below, as will your direct message with the person. The messages from years past will be housed in the group chats or personal messages. Once you search this and choose a message, it will appear in your recent searches in the app. Just select it to use the conversation again or to read the old messages.

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Message requests:

To access your message requests from people you’re not friends with open up the Messenger app again. This time select the “People” tab at the bottom of the page and then tap “Message Requests” at the top just below the search bar. Once you tap on your requests you’ll be able to see anyone who has sent you a message that you aren’t friends with. You can open requests to see more information about the person or the message they sent you. But they won’t know that you saw their message until you accept their message request, so you can open this for more information without any pressure to answer.

This is also the section of the Messenger app where you can add a friend by scanning their code, or show your code to someone to add you. You can also find contacts from your phone here, it will search through your contacts and anyone with their phone number listed on their Facebook will appear. Or you can invite people to messenger from this page. All of these options are below the “Message Requests” button.
