Windows Tip: How To Toggle Time Format between 12/24 Hour

We are using 12-hour time format up here in North with AM indicating for morning time and PM for afternoonbut at some parts of the world 24-hour format is more common to people living there. Here is a quick tutorial on how to toggle between two time formats on Windows.

Change time format on Windows 7

Click the clock at the bottom right corner and choose Change data and time settings…


Click Change date and time button and Change calendar settings at the next dialog box.


Switch to Time tab and use small letter h for 12 hour and up case H for 24 hour in Short time or Long time format box.

For example, the h:mm tt in Short time box tells the system to use 12-hour format.


And changing it to H:mm tells the system that you would like to use 24 hour format instead. You can remove “tt” as you don’t need the word AM/PM to tell you whether it’s a morning time or afternoon time.


And this is how the clock looks like when you applied the change. That’s 10:20 PM in 12 hour format.


Change time format in Windows 10

Open Settings app, go to Time & Language, and click Change date and time formats.


The rest will be the same. Use letter h or H in Short time and Long time box to toggle between 12 and 24 hour formats.

