Find Contact Information of Group Participant on Whatsapp


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The Whatsapp group feature enables one person to share messages, videos and photos with up to 265 people at once. It is making its way into the social media app market, contributing (with the help of other features, of course) to Whatsapp’s surging popularity. The additional features of Whatsapp Group like naming and customizing the group have made the experience all the more fun for Whatsapp users.

Whatsapp group feature is gaining popularity with such rapid pace that it won’t be too long before other social media apps follow in its footsteps.

Many a times, it seems like a hassle to go to the information of a contact who is also a participant of a Whatsapp Group. Maybe you do not have enough time to open your contact list and skim all the way down until you find that contact. Maybe you have multiple contacts with the same name; typing it out in the contact search bar and then finding that one specific contact is a tedious process. Or maybe someone has just added you in a Whatsapp Group and you wish to see the contact information of your fellow group members. Whatever your reason(s) is, viewing participant contact information from a group chat can come in quite handy.

Whatsapp inventors did not set out to make just another cliché social media messaging app. Their goal was to make one that is different than its competitors. Has it achieved that goal? The numerous Whatsapp features that are shortcuts for longer task functions (for example, swiping a group chat towards the left to delete its messages or some other task instead of opening the chat and selecting every message for deletion) will tell you that yes, Whatsapp has achieved that goal indeed. Finding contact information of a group participant on Whatsapp is also one of those features which have a shortcut to its execution.

There are, of course, some added benefits of opening contact profiles straight from the group of which they are a participant of. If you want to message that same user, you can simply do so by opening up their contact information from the group itself. The second, perhaps the most significant benefit of this is that if you have accidentally removed a contact from your Whatsapp contact list, you can simply go to the group they are a participant of, open the participants list and add them again from there. It can thus be deduced that such shortcuts on Whatsapp not only save you time, but at times can also redeem mistakes committed on your part.

How to Find Contact Information of Group Participants on Whatsapp

Here are the quick steps of how to open the contact information of a participant of your Whatsapp group:

1.Open your Whatsapp and tap on the group chat who’s participant you want the contact information of.

2.There are two simple ways to get that. First one involves swiping the group’s title towards the left.


3.When you swipe it to the left, you will see two buttons appear on your screen.


4.Tap on the button More.


5.When you tap on More, a list of options appear, as shown here. Tap on Group Info.


6.You will be led to the list of participants of that specific group.


7.The second option is to open the group chat and tap on its title. That will also lead you to the Group Info section with participants list.


8.Once the Group Info section appears on your screen, tap on whichever contact you want to view the information of. A list of options will appear, as shown here.


9.Tap on the topmost one, Info.


10.It will lead you to the contact information section of that participant.


These are the easiest ways to find contact information of a group participant on Whatsapp. However, if you have additional queries, you can check the FAQ.feature image

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I view a participant’s contact information without Wi-Fi on my device?

Yes, you can. The same steps described above apply to whether you are viewing the contact information with or without internet turned on on your device.

  1. Does it matter if I am the admin of a Whatsapp group?

Not at all. Anyone and everyone can view a participant’s contact information from a Whatsapp group.

  1. Does the participant of a group, who’s contact information I am viewing, know about it?

No. That user cannot see you have viewed their contact information.

  1. Does Whatsapp open up my individual chat with a group’s participant automatically if I view their contact profile?

No. The contact info section will only show you the contact profile details of that users; your chat with that user is not linked with the group chat.

  1. Can I view multiple contact profiles from a single group?

No, you have to open individual contact profiles of participants from a certain Whatsapp group.

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