Gnome-Pro Is A Great GTK Theme for Gnome Desktop

gnome shell

Gnome-Pro, a new GTK+ theme made by paulxfce, is a great theme for Gnome 3 Desktop with GTK > = 3.20.

A clear and easy-on-the-eyes theme that is meant for those who use the Gnome-desktop professionally on a daily basis. The focus in this theme is compatibility: GTK-2 applications and GTK-3 applications look virtually the same. Libre-office, Scribus, Evolution, Geary, Planner, GnuCash, LaTeXila, Geany, the Gimp, Inkscape,…

Chrome, firefox, Web and Opera have no issues with this theme.

About the looks, you will notice some Elementary-theme, Arc-theme and Gnome-OSX.

gnome pro in Ubuntu 17.04

gnome pro in Ubuntu 17.04


How to Install Gnome-Pro theme in Ubuntu 17.04:

The theme so far works on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 17.10, and it requires a few theme engines to work properly.

1. Open terminal via Ctrl+Alt+T or from app launcher, when it opens, run command to install theme engines:

sudo apt install gnome-themes-standard gtk2-engines-murrine

2. Window buttons should be moved to right corner via command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"

3. Download the theme file from the link below:

Download Gnome-Pro (Files pane)

4. Extract the tarball, and move the theme folder into .themes in the root of your user directory.

Press ctrl+h to view hidden file folders, and create .themes folder if it’s not exist.

5. Finally select the theme via Gnome Tweak Tool. Log out and back in to apply changes.
