How to add friends on Nintendo Switch


Share screenshots, scores, and game activities with friends on the Switch!

Gaming doesn’t have to be a lonely experience. When you have friends, you’re never alone, even if you aren’t actually playing a game with them. You can add friends to your Nintendo Switch user profile and exchange tidbits of information with anyone. Here’s how to find and add friends on the Nintendo Switch.

How to find friends on the Nintendo Switch console

Finding friends in the Nintendo network is notoriously difficult. Luckily, Nintendo has made it slightly easier to find them. If you are signed into your Nintendo Network ID account, it’s even easier.

  1. Select your User Page from the Home screen on your Nintendo switch.
  2. Select Link Nintendo Account and connect your Nintendo Account if you haven’t already.


  3. Select Add Friend.
  4. Select Search for Local Users to find friends that are on the same Wi-Fi network as you.


  5. Tap Search for Users You Played With to find friends that you’ve previously played games on the same Wi-Fi network with.
  6. Tap Search with Friend Code if a player has directly given you their 14-digit Friend Code.


  7. Tap Sent Friend Requests to see the status of requests for friend adds that you’ve sent.
  8. Scroll down to Suggested Friends to see players you are friends with in one of Nintendo’s other social apps, like Miitomo or Super Mario Run.


How to add friends on the Nintendo Switch console

There are two ways you can add a friend on Nintendo Switch. Either by selecting a profile from your friend search list noted above, or by using a Friend Code.

  1. Select your User Page from the Home screen on your Nintendo switch.
  2. Select Link Nintendo Account and connect your Nintendo Account if you haven’t already.


  3. Select Add Friend.
  4. Select a player profile if you have any listed under one of your search or suggested friend lists.


  5. Select Send Friend Request.
  6. Select Search with Friend Code to use a Friend Code.
  7. Enter the Friend Code.
  8. When the profile appears, select Send Friend Request.


How to share your Friend Code with others on the Nintendo Switch console

Your Friend Code is like a user name. Why Nintendo doesn’t just allow us to use our user names, I’ll never understand, but we have Friend Codes instead, and this is how to share yours.

  1. Select your User Page from the Home screen on your Nintendo switch.
  2. Select Link Nintendo Account and connect your Nintendo Account if you haven’t already.


  3. Select Profile.


Your Friend Code is the 14-digit code listed under your game status. This is the code you will tell your friends and family to find you with instead of having them search for a user name or nickname.

How to check on friend requests on Nintendo Switch

If you’ve sent, or are expecting to receive, a friend request, you can check on them from your User page.

  1. Select your User Page from the Home screen on your Nintendo switch.
  2. Select Link Nintendo Account and connect your Nintendo Account if you haven’t already.


  3. Select Add Friend.
  4. Select Friend Requests to see if you have received any friend requests.


  5. To accept a friend request, select Become Friends.
  6. To decline a friend request, select Decline Request
  7. Select Sent Friend Requests to see whom you’ve sent friend requests too.

