How To Create Outlook Out-of-Office Calendar Event Block

Summer is here, which also means vacation season has arrived. If you are planning a vacation or going away for a few days, one thing you might want to do in your work Outlook is to update your availability so your colleague would know not to expect you while you are away.

This guide will show you how to create an Out-of-Office calendar event in Outlook. This is useful if your calendar is shared and can be viewed by your peers.

Start by going to the Calendar tab, find the day that you are going to be away from the office. To create an Out-of-Office event that blocks the entire day simply right-click the given day and create a “New All Day Event

You can name the all day event, but naming is only viewable by you by default. To show unavailability, go to Main Event tab > find the drop-down option from Free to Out of Office.

This is how your calendar would look like by others.

You can also create multi-day Out of Office event. Below is an example of your calendar with a multi-day event. It will show the days that you are unavailable, inclusively.

That’s it. Next time when you are away from the office, in addition to updating auto reply you can also update your calendar so meeting organizer would know whether you are free or out-of-office.
