How To Generate Detailed Batter Life Report on Windows 10

When it comes to checking battery life on Windows 10 laptops, we’ve covered a few before, like this and this. But I didn’t realize Windows 10 already has a very comprehensive report about the battery in my laptop right under my nose. It’s going to be so convenient next time when I need to check how good a laptop’s battery is without downloading any tools.

The secret lies in the not so secret tool, the command line powercfg.

Basically, run the following command generates a battery report on your desktop. It runs under any user account. No elevated window required.

powercfg /batteryreport /output %userprofile%desktopbattery_report.html

Now, double-click the report file to open it in your default browser. Under Installed batteries, two important number you should pay attention, Design Capacity and Full Charge Capacity. The difference is how much wear the batter has endure. The little the gap, the longer your better is going to hold.

The Recent usage section shows the last 3 days how the battery power has been consumed, both when it’s on AC or Battery.

The Usage History section shows the history of system usage on both AC and Battery. You will find how long the system is active on AC or battery from here.

The Battery Capacity History is where you can find how gradually your batter has been decreasing over time. But the next chart, which is Battery Life Estimates, will basically give you an idea of when you need to battery or the laptop if the battery is irreplaceable.

This laptop is relatively new so the battery is still in brand new stage.

And that’s how you can quickly find out the battery life on your laptop without going through any 3rd party fancy tools.

The post How To Generate Detailed Batter Life Report on Windows 10 appeared first on Next of Windows.