How To Use Text Effects on WhatsApp


use text effects on whatsapp

As a dedicated WhatsApp user, you must have come across texts with cool effects. The strikethrough, Italic, and Bold are text effects embedded in WhatsApp. This article will teach you how to use these text Effects to spice up your chatting time on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the most used social Applications, So many people use WhatsApp on their devices but do not know most of the tricks embedded on them. Today, I will show you one of those tricks. In this article, you’ll learn how to use text effects on WhatsApp. Now, there are actually three text effects on WhatsApp, there are strikethrough, Italic, and Bold.

These text effects on WhatsApp are so cool that I literally can’t go a day without using at least one of them. One of my favorite effects is the bold effect which adds some kind of stress or emphasis to a particular text. These effects do not work on just Android devices or just IOS devices. You can use the WhatsApp text effects on Android, IOS, Windows and just about any other operating system that has the latest version of WhatsApp Installed.

For this article, I will be using screenshots from an Android device, but like I said, the text effects on WhatsApp works on all platforms.

How to use Text Effects On WhatsApp

Now, as I earlier mentioned, there are 3 text effects that you can use on WhatsApp here they are;

WhatsApp Bold Text Effect

1. Open WhatsApp on your Device.

2. Open a chat

3. Type any text and add this symbol * before and after the text without space. For example *How are you?*

use text effects on whatsapp

4. Hit the send button.

And there you have it. Simple right? Well, that’s how to bold text on WhatsApp, the process is actually almost the same with other effects like the italic and the strikethrough.

WhatsApp Italic Text Effect

1. Open WhatsApp.

2. Start a chat.

3. Type any text of your choice and add two underscore symbols _ before and after the text without spacing. For example, _How are you_.

use text effects on whatsapp

4. Hit the send button.

WhatsApp Strikethrough Text Effect

1. Open WhatsApp.

2. Start a chat.

3. Type any text of your choice and Add two tilde mark symbols ~ before and after your text without spacing. For example, ~How are you~

use text effects on whatsapp

4. Hit the send button.

And there you have it, It is that simple really. I’ll do a quick rundown of all text effects and how to do each of them. So, here goes;

*How are you?* = How are you

_How are you?_ = How are you

~How are you?~ = How are you

Another cool thing about these text effects on WhatsApp is that you can use more than one at a time.


*Hey!* _How are you,_ I hope you are fine?


Hey! How are you, I hope you are fine?

You can also use a particular text effect on another. Here’s what I mean.

~_*I love you*_~ = I love you

As you can see, using all symbols on the same text worked perfectly well. The basic thing here is being familiar with the symbols and the effects attached to each of the symbols, you can then format your text on WhatsApp however you want to.

And that’s a wrap. I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. Feel free to tell us what you think about these text effects on WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q: I can’t find the symbols on my keyboard

A: If you are using some weird keyboard on your device then this might be possible. The symbols can actually be found on almost all keyboards. If you have tapped the 123 or sym button and still can’t find the symbols, you can tap the =< button to view the second page. You should find the symbol you are looking for on this page.

Q: Can I use the text effects on my IOS device?

A: Do you have WhatsApp installed on the device? if yes, then sure thing. You can use the text effects on your iPhone or Ipad. Just add the symbols before clicking on the send button.

Q: Are they other text effects on WhatsApp?

A: Not really, but hopefully sometime in the future WhatsApp will give use effects like underline, change color and a bunch of other cool options to choose from.
