Install Firefox 55 In Ubuntu Using Terminal

Mozilla Firefox 55 released. Here’s how to install Firefox in Ubuntu using terminal. On Ubuntu, users can install Firefox via apt-get command. Mozilla Firefox 55 is released with WebVR support making Firefox the first Windows desktop browser to support VR experiences.

Other performance changes include significantly faster startup times when restoring lots of tabs and settings that let users take greater control of our new multi-process architecture. We’ve also upgraded the address bar to make finding what you want easier, with search suggestions and the integration of our one-click search feature, and safer, by prioritizing the secure – https – version of sites when possible.

Firefox 55

Before you install Firefox, make sure that your computer has the required libraries installed. Missing libraries will cause Firefox to be inoperable.
The installation file provided by Mozilla in .tar.bz2 format does not contain sources but pre-compiled binary files, therefore you can simply unpack and run them. There is no need to compile the program from source.

Uninstall Previous Firefox

Before you install the latest release of Firefox, run the following commands in Terminal to uninstall and remove the already installed Firefox:

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/firefox54
$ sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox55

Install Firefox 55

Download Firefox from the Firefox download page to your home directory, extract the contents of the downloaded file and install it manually. Run the following commands in Terminal to install Firefox:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ wget
$ tar xvf firefox-55.0.tar.bz2
$ cd firefox
$ sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefoxold
$ sudo ln -s /opt/firefox55/firefox-bin /usr/bin/firefox

Once isntalled, open Firefox from Ubuntu Dash or run the firefox script in the firefox folder: ~/firefox/firefox to start Firefox.

You can then create an icon on your desktop to run this command.

libstdc++5 error

Install Firefox 55 In Ubuntu Using Terminal originally posted on Source Digit – Latest Technology, Gadgets & Gizmos.