Lenovo unveils CAVA, a virtual assistant to take on Cortana and others

At the third annual Lenovo Tech World innovation summit, Lenovo unveiled some concept products from its R&D labs. One of them was CAVA, a virtual assistant to take on Cortana, Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant and others.

Lenovo mentioned that CAVA uses deep learning-based face recognition systems and natural language understanding technologies to manage calendar events and remind you based on your habits. Using the NLP tech, it tried to understand the meaning of a message and based on that make it will make recommendations to your calendar. For example, it can suggest when to leave for an appointment by analyzing weather and traffic data.

Lenovo today also revealed a concept smart speaker called SmartCast+. Not only it can respond to your voice, it can also recognize objects and delivers AR experiences. It comes with a fairy tale module where children can learn Chinese, project their illustrations and Chinese subtitles while listening to the lesson.

Both these products are now inside R&D labs, so don’t get your hopes up to try them anytime soon.
