How to Keep Keyword Research Strategy Effective Even In A Close Variant Word


Google has recently announced keyword match update in order to make the search easier for users. This is seen as something that is likely to significantly affect the exact keyword targeting. In fact, while this algorithm update by Google has adverse impact, it may have some crucial advantages as well. Here in this post I will tell you everything from tools to strategies that will help you garner the benefits this update could have for you.

How to Make Most Out Of the Google Recent Exact Keyword Match Update

Let Me Get Started Here…

Misspelling is very common with searches. According to Google, at least 7% of searches are misspelled. This is more likely with the longer queries. But this does not mean people are looking for something else. They are still interested in the services or products they are trying to find. For example, whether people use “kid scooters” “kid’s scooter or “kids scooters, their intention to search is the same in all those cases. They want to buy a scooter and so looking for the one. And so they are looking for the most relevant ads even though they typed wrong.

Google’s recent decision to broaden the variant list is all about providing the people with the most relevant search results regardless of typo.

With that, it seems crucial to make some changes to your keyword research strategies in the close variant world. Here is what you need to do as to ensure your ads show to more searches.

Use Broad Match Keywords:

Broad match are keywords that allow you ads to automatically show up when someone searches the relevant variations of the keywords. In simple words, when you use broad match keyword, you ads will show as people search, using a variation that makes a sense for the term in your ads.

So using broad match keywords helps you attract more visitors to your website, reduce the time you spend building keyword lists, and focus more on the keywords that work.

This is default match type which will activate for keywords in your ads if you do not choose another match type such as (exact match, phrase match, or negative match).

Take low-carb diet plan for example. If you use this term in your ads, and some search for a variation that makes the same sense as this one does, the variation will act as a trigger for your ads to show up. Your ads will appear in the search results even though it does not include that variation.

This is the be one of the most way you can go with if you want your ads to appear in most searches but you do not have time to build list of triggers for your ads.

To Learn More About How To Make a List of Most Relevant Broad Match Keywords Here:

Consider Broad Match Modifier to Have More Control over Broad Match:

Modified broad match keywords will increase campaign clicks and conversions. They also provide more precise control than broad match. This allows you to choose which match keyword terms or variations should trigger your ads.

Note: close variants include misspellings, singular/plural forms, abbreviations and acronyms, and stemmings (such as “floor” and “flooring”), not synonyms or related searches.

Use Negative Keywords If You Don’t Your Ads to Show for Certain Terms:

This is a good way to maximize relevant searches for your ads. Using negative keywords allows you to remove the search terms from your campaign and focus on those that make a sense for your customers. This way, you can make sure your ads before those who are really interested in your products or looking for the products like yours.

So when you decide to use negative terms in your search campaigns, make a list of the terms similar to the term you want to target but might cater to the customers who are looking for something else rather that what you are trying to sell in your ads.

For example, suppose that you’re an optometrist whose goal is to sell eyeglasses. In this case, you may want to add negative keywords for search terms like “wine glasses” and “drinking glasses.” So when people search for a phrase term having the glass word, your ads will not appear.

Keep the Following Points in Mind. To Choose the Right Negative Keywords that Work.

  • Choose your negative keywords carefully. If you use too many negative keywords, your ads might reach fewer customers.
  • Your ad might still show on searches or pages that contain close variations of your negative keyword terms.
  • Your ad might still show when someone searches for a phrase that’s longer than 10 words, and your negative keyword follows that 10th word. Let’s say your negative keyword is “discount.” Your ad can show when someone searches for “nice clean hotel rooms in Los Angeles close to beach discount” because your negative keyword is the 11th word in the phrase. On the other hand, we won’t show your ad when someone searches for “nice clean hotel rooms in Los Angeles beach views discount” because your negative keyword is the 10th word in the phrase.

Use Phrase Match:

This allows your ads to appear when people use the phrase term in your ads in their search queries. Your ads will appear even though they use other terms before or after the phrase term you have used in your ads. Also, when someone searches for a close variant of your phrase match keyword, your ads will show to them.

But your ads will not appear if someone uses additional term in the middle of your phrase match keywords.

Phrase match is more flexible than exact match, but is more targeted than the default broad match option. Thus, it allows you to reach more customers, while still showing your ads to customers who are most likely searching for your product or service.

You can create ads with the same keywords that your customers are likely to use to search. And this will helps you increase your clickthrough rate.

Use Exact Match:

Ads will appear on searches that match the exact term or are close variations of the term. Searches that make the same meaning as the keywords in the ads do are considered as the exact keywords. Spelling or grammar differences between the query and the keyword do not matter.

These are some of the ways you can optimize your ads and ensure the ads appear or show to the searches that are relevant.

But this does not mean all of them would work for your ads campaign. So choosing the right type seems inevitable.

Choosing the Right Keyword Match Type:

It is perhaps one of the most pressing challenges that the current exact match update by Google imposes for marketers.

But unfortunately, there are ways you can best tackle this. To me, if you do not want to go for tools that could help you select the keywords for your ads, the best way is using a broad-to-narrow strategy. This means try with broad match which is the default type of keyword, and got to other types. This will help you understand which types of terms best act as triggers for your ads.

Or you can use search term reports that many marketers do to generate negative keywords that don’t resonate with their brand, identify search terms that are too expensive and pinpoint new keyword opportunities.

