New 'Deadpool 2' Teaser Trailer Filled With Heroic Antics, Stan Lee And Butts

I am so excited for the next Deadpool and the newest teaser trailer only got me more hyped. First shown at the beginning of Logan , the Deadpool 2 teaser was leaked online but was released in its entirety early Saturday. The trailer shows our favorite red mercenary hearing a call of distress from an old man. DP is ready to jump into action, but first he has to put on his costume. If you don’t want to see Ryan Reynolds bare ass, turn away now.

Deadpool has to jump into a phone booth to change and when he finally gets to throw on his superhero dungaroos… well let’s just say I won’t spoil it. I enjoy all the little nods to how ridiculous it is for Superman to change in a phone booth as well as how outdated and irrelevant phone booths are nowadays. I can’t remember the last phone booth I saw in New York, but I’m pretty sure it was covered in pee.

2 deadpool Just look at that stud (inside the costume)

There are a ton of little nods and Easter eggs in this three minute Deadpool tease. “Nathan Summer’s is coming” was written on the side of the phone booth, which is the real name of the super mutant cyborg Cable. Cyclops’ kid is one of the coolest mutants in the X-men mythos and I’m so glad to finally see him kickass with his potty mouth of a buddy.

There’s also a very blatant Stan Lee cameo, he’s even appearing in trailers now.
