'Overwatch' Chinese New Year Event Start Time: When Will Year Of The Rooster Patch Release?

Overwatch’s next event, The Year Of The Rooster, is starting in just a few days. We know Mei, D.Va, Winston, Reinhardt, Roadhog and Zenyatta are all getting skins to celebrate the Chinese New Year. I’m sure there will be dozens of emotes, sprays and voice lines to go along with these awesome looking skins.

Overwatch’s Year Of The Rooster event starts on Jan. 24 at around 2 to 4 p.m. EST.

Launch time is entirely speculation from Metabomb, but they have been right before. Both the Winter Wonderland and Junkenstein’s Terror events started at that time, but Blizzard is known for being a bit inconsistent. Please don’t grab your pitchforks if I’m off by an hour or two – I’ll be logged in, refreshing the page, just like every other excited Overwatch player.

We aren’t even sure how many days the Year Of The Rooster event is going to last. It could be an amazing two weeks, or it could be just be a few measly days. Jeff Kaplan and his Overwatch development team are great at keeping the lid locked tight on what these events are going to have.

year of the rooster skinss Overwatch Year Of the Rooster skins leaked.

I’ll be logged in for hours on end, trying everything in my power to unlock the awesome Zenyatta and D.Va skins.
