phpMyAdmin 5 Released – How to Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Linux

Here is how to install the latest release of phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Linux. phpMyAdmin 5 is released with many new features and improvements. With this release, they are removing support of old PHP versions (5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and HHVM). These versions are outdated and are no longer supported by the PHP team.

phpMyAdmin 5

Version 5.0 includes many coding improvements that modernize the interface. Many of these changes are transparent to users, but make the code easier to maintain.

Some of the changes and new features include:

1. Enable columns names by default for CSV exports
2. Add Metro theme
3. Automatically add the index when creating an auto increment column
4. Improvements to exporting views
5. Prompt the user for confirmation before running an UPDATE query with no WHERE clause
6. Improvements to how errors are show to the user (including allowing easier copying of the error text to the clipboard)
7. Added keystrokes to clear the line (ctrl+l) and clear the entire console window (ctrl+u)
8. Use charset ‘windows-1252’ when export format is MS Excel

There are several more changes, please refer to the ChangeLog file included with the release for full details.

Known shortcomings:

Due to changes in the MySQL authentication method, PHP versions prior to 7.4 are unable to authenticate to a MySQL 8.0 or newer server (our tests show the problem actually began with MySQL 8.0.11).

This relates to a PHP bug There is a workaround, that is to set your user account to use the current-style password hash method, mysql_native_password.

This unfortunate lack of coordination has caused the incompatibility to affect all PHP applications, not just phpMyAdmin. For more details, you can see our bug tracker item at

The team suggest upgrading your PHP installation to take advantage of the authentication methods.

Downloads are available now at

Before installing phpMyAdmin

some basic requirements before installing phpMyAdmin 5:

1. A LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) installed
2. PHP 5.2.0 or newer
3. The PHP mysql or mysqli extensions
4. MySQL 5.0.1 or newer

Install phpMyAdmin from Ubuntu Packages

Run the following command to install phpMyAdmin from the default Ubuntu Packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext

NOTE 1: While the intallation process, you will be asked few questions to configure the installation.
NOTE 2: During the installation process; when the prompt appears, “apache2” is highlighted – but not selected. Hit SPACE, TAB, and then ENTER to select Apache. This is very important.

1. For the server selection, choose apache2
2. Select Yes; when to use dbconfig-common to set the database
3. Confirm a MySQL application password for phpMyAdmin

If all is done, the installation process will successfully add the phpMyAdmin Apache configuration file into the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/ directory. Here, you will need to do enable the mbstring PHP extension. To do so, run the following commands:

sudo phpenmod mbstring
sudo systemctl restart apache2

phpMyAdmin is now installed and configured.

Enable PHP mcrypt Module

Run the following commands to check the PHP mcrypt module and if not – then install the same:

php -m | grep mcrypt
sudo php5enmod mcrypt
php -m | grep mcrypt
sudo service apache2 restart

Access phpMyAdmin – First Time

To access phpMyAdmin for the first time; log in to phpMyAdmin by going to your server followed by /phpmyadmin. Note that you can use http://YOUR_SERVER_IP/phpmyadmin or http://your_domain_or_IP/phpmyadmin if you don’t have domains already set up.

Here, log in with the root user and the password you set for the phpMyAdmin application.

phpMyAdmin 5 Released – How to Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu Linux originally posted on Source Digit – Linux, Ubuntu Tutorials & News, Technology, Gadgets & Gizmos.