Tag: package

How to Install Pamac GUI Package Manager in Arch Linux

Pamac is the package manager of Manjaro based on libalpm which also supports Appstream, AUR, Flatpak and Snaps. Being an alternative to pacman it focuses on providing an easy-to-use interface whether it is GUI or CLI. Arch Linux relies on the pacman commands for package management. …

Install Specific Package Version With Apt Command in Ubuntu

Want to install a specific version of a package in Ubuntu? You can do that ‘easily’ in the following manner: sudo apt install package_name=package_version How do you know which versions are available for a certain package? Use this command: apt list --all-versions package_name In the screenshot …

Installing and Using Homebrew Package Manager on Linux

Homebrew, also known as Brew, is a command line package manager primarily created for macOS. Homebrew grew quite popular among macOS users as more developers created command line tools that could be easily installed with Homebrew. This popularity resulted in the creation of Linuxbrew, a Linux …