Tag: troubleshoot

Alexa Skills Not Working? 11 Ways to Troubleshoot

Alexa’s full suite of more than 100,000 Skills is a powerful platform, but there are times when those Alexa Skills are not working. The server that powers the Skill might have a hiccup, or there may be a problem with the way the Skill is implemented …

Troubleshoot and Improve RDP Connections with UDP

The new norm of work from home during COVID isn’t always pretty. The truth is, for many, we rely on infrastructures that aren’t built for a 24/7 remote work environment. One of the core technology people are relying on those days is Microsoft’s RDP protocol. Window’s …

Troubleshoot Surface Dial Pairing Problems

  The Surface Dial is a peripheral for your Windows device. It offers a wide range of creative utility. For example, with simple turns, this accessory can bring up the most used shortcuts, adjust media controls to play your favorite music or skip tracks and scroll …