Tag: volume

How To Set A Maximum Volume Limit In Windows?

We all know how painful it feels when we open a webpage and suddenly an advertisement starts playing with a freaking loud noise, especially when we have plugged in our headphones. Smartphones still have settings which allows you to preset the volume to desired level to …

How To Set A Maximum Volume Limit In Windows

Smartphones have a built-in check on how loudly you can listen to music. The OS warns you that it might be dangerous for your hearing when you try to increase the volume beyond a certain point. You can choose to ignore it and increase the volume …

How to set volume levels on Windows 10 lock/unlock

The volume mixer on Windows 10 has to be the smartest volume control that any desktop OS has to offer at present. maOS doesn’t offer anything like it but Microsoft hasn’t made any changes, or improvements to it, to date. There’s application specific volume control but …

How To Show Volume Icon On macOS Menu Bar

  With the default installation settings, macOS shows wireless, battery, time, spotlight search, and notification center icons on the menu bar. Unlike the Windows operating system, macOS doesn’t show the volume icon on the menu bar with default settings. This is likely because, volume icon, if …

What to Do When Extend Volume Option Grayed Out

One user’s 128GB SSD drive ran out of the space. After cloned the whole disk to a 240GB SSD and successfully booted up, the Extend Volume is grayed out, preventing me from extending the partition to get more space. The reason why it’s grayed out is …