Tag: vulnerabilities

FragAttacks: vulnerabilities that affect Wi-Fi devices

Security researcher Mathy Vanhoef discovered several security vulnerabilities that affect most Wi-Fi devices. The collection of attacks, called FragAttacks, which stands for fragmentation and aggregation attacks, requires that that attacker is within range of the wireless network. Three of the discovered vulnerabilities are “design flaws in …

SaltStack reveals new critical vulnerabilities, patch now

SaltStack, a VMware-owned company, has revealed critical vulnerabilities impacting Salt versions 3002 and prior, with patches available as of today. Salt is an open-source IT infrastructure management solution written in Python that is widely used by data centers around the world. Users are therefore encouraged to …

How Are Security Vulnerabilities Ranked? (CVSS)

If you’ve been reading about security bugs online, you’ve probably ran into scores given to exploits. These are scored based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, used to categorize exploits into the Common Vulnerability and Exposures database. We’ll discuss what makes up the score. What Affects …