Fortnite will be a launch game for both Xbox Series X and Playstation 5

Epic has confirmed what many people would have suspected – that Fortnite, its global smash hit, will be available for both the Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 when each console launches later this year.

It’s no surprise to learn that the game which has captured so many millions of players in the last couple of years will be represented not just by compatibility with the new consoles, but fully-fledged versions of the game.

Of course, with its cartoony aesthetic and art style Fortnite won’t necessarily be the game that makes players immediately appreciate the graphical upgrade brought by next-gen power, but it’s still great to know that it’ll be around.

Unreal Engine 5 on the way

Epic also unveiled the next version of its widely-used Unreal Engine today, Unreal Engine 5, with a hugely impressive tech demo running on the PS5, and has some more Fortnite news in that regard.

Given that Fortnite is a live game-as-a-service title, Epic doesn’t want to leave it languishing on Unreal Engine 4, as it currently is, and so is going to move the game over to the new engine. This process will happen in mid-2021, some time from now, but is a telling indication of how important Fortnite is to Epic’s plans for the future. It’s not going anywhere, people.

All in all, between the demo and Fortnite’s continued lifespan getting even further extended, Epic’s dropped some pretty enticing information about what we can expect from next-gen consoles – and there’s likely to be plenty more news in that regard this summer.

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