'Hearthstone' Free Dust: How To Get Extra Golden Legendaries During Year Of The Mammoth

Do you like free dust, the magic powder needed to craft Hearthstone cards? It might have been easy to miss, but in the mid-February blog post that announced Year Of the Mammoth, the HS team announced a way to get enchant a few Golden cards and still keep the dust.

Once the next Hearthstone expansion comes out, the Year Of The Mammoth will start. That means a whole bunch of cards will rotate out of Standard play and into the Wild. Like at the beginning of last year’s Year Of The Kraken, there will be certain cards removed from the game. Ben Brode and his team of designers have decided to retire a few extra cards from the Base set, creating the new “Hall Of Fame.”

Here are all the cards going to the Hall Of Fame:

year of the mammoth Year Of the Mammoth means free dust!

  • Azure Drake
  • Ragnaros, The Firelord
  • Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Power Overwhelming
  • Ice Lance
  • Conceal

Cards put in the “Hall Of Fame” will not be playable in Standard, but will be fully available in Wild. To incentivize players to try Wild, HS players can disenchant the cards going to the “Hall Of Fame” and keep the dust and the card. You’ll get the maximum number of dust up to the number you can play in a deck. If you have two golden Azure Drakes and two commons, you’ll only get dust back from the two golden versions.

That means there is no reason to not to craft golden versions of these cards. Golden Ragnaros The Firelord is gorgeous, so why not throw him into your binder for free? These refunds won’t come until the YOTM actually starts, so if you need dust for a deck, hold off until the official announcement. Remember not to craft both versions of the card, you’ll just end up wasting your precious dust.

You can even disenchant the same card after the refund hits, netting you an extra 1600 gold. Blizzard is being really kind to its Hearthstone players, which makes sense after this incredibly stale meta we’ve all been stuck playing in. I don’t want to see a Small time Buccaneer with two health ever again.

Keep in mind, that tomorrow’s 7.1 patch won’t be giving you the dust, you’ll have to wait until the Year Of the Mammoth actually starts.
